Faculty Directory

Prof. Abir De Sarkar
Professor (Scientist-G / Senior Professor H)
Prof. Dr. Abir De Sarkar is into high-performance scientific computing, pursuing research in the realm of Computational Nanoscience. He has been recognized as world's top 2% (0.48%) Scientist as per Standford-Elsevier (ScholarGPS). Prof. De Sarkar is an Editorial Advisory Board member of the Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, C & a member of Editor (Applied Physics): Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society (AAPPS) Bulletin. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ He had his first postdoctoral stint at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany and the last one at Uppsala University, Sweden. In between, he served as a Research Scientist & Engineer on a Visiting Investigator Program between CEMES-CNRS, France and A*STAR, Singapore. He has been the recipient of the President of India, medal for the year 2000 for having topped all the postgraduate disciplines in Calcutta University. The CNR Rao Award for Excellence in Nano research for the year 2018 has been conferred upon him. ACS has recognized him in the top 3% of highly cited authors for 2019-2020, while the top cited paper award 2023 has been conferred upon him and his PhD scholars by IOP Publishing, UK. Prof. De Sarkar has been recognized by Stanford University and Elsevier as top 2% of Scientists for 2024. He has published more than 110 papers to date. He has guided 5 students to the successful completion of their PhD and mentored postdoctoral fellows. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bright & motivated students from (Physics, Applied Physics, Electronic Science and Engineering backgrounds) having their own fellowships such as JRF-NET are encouraged to apply for several PhD positions available with him.
Contact Information :
abir@inst.ac.in -
Personal Webpage:
Personal Webpage -
Google Link:
Google Link
Low-dimensional/two-dimensional materials for different kinds of energy conversion and next-generation electronics.
Computational Nanoscience: Piezoelectricity, valleytronics, spintronics, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, energy conversion, next-generation electronics, self-powered flexible piezo-spintronics, carrier mobility, thermoelectricity (thermal to electrical energy conversion), Nanocatalysis (Activation and conversion of CO2 and hydrocarbons on nanosystems), Gas sensors, band gap and edge engineering in nanomaterials, optoelectronic and photophysical properties
First principles (ab initio) density functional theory (DFT)-based approaches, Ab initio transport calculations (DFT coupled to non-equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF)), Boltzmann Transport Equation, Quantum Physics & Materials Science
Apart from the independent pursuit of research in the domain of Computational Nanoscience, the group collaborates with experimentalists and provides them with strong theoretical support.
Our article entitled ‘Group-IV (A) Janus dichalcogenide monolayers and their interfaces straddle gigantic shear and in-plane piezoelectricity’, published in Nanoscale 13 (2021) 5460-5478 has been featured as the themed collection of the Nanoscale most popular 2021 Articles.
Heartiest congratulations to my Ph.D. student, Manish Kumar Mohanta on being conferred the prestigious ‘Karnataka DST Nanoscience Fellowship Award’ consisting of a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/- and a certificate at the Bengaluru India Nano 2022.
Prof. Abir De Sarkar was in National News in 2020 for his research activities on piezoelectricity in 2D materials.
Hearty congratulations to the Group Alumni (5 former PhD students) for securing
h-index ≥ 13 from their PhD work (publications), which is rare and unusual, even on an international scale
1. Postdoc position at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA: Dr. Manish Kumar Mohanta
2. Postdoc position at Michigan Technological University, USA, Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany & DST Inspire Faculty position, India: Dr. Ashima Rawat
3. Postdoc position at Linkoping University, Sweden, preceded by a postdoc position on a prestigious Graphene flagship project, in Europe (Germany, France, Belgium): Dr. Nityasagar Jena
4. Assistant Professor position at Gitam University, Bengaluru, India, preceded by a Postdoc position at CNRS Lab, Nancy France: Dr. Dimple
5. Postdoc position at IIT Kanpur, India: Dr. Raihan Ahammed
Convened hands-on training DFT-Crystal in-person workshop (12-16 Feb. 2023) in collaboration with the University of Torino, Italy (Prof. Silvia Casassa, Prof. Bartolomeo Civalleri) & Michigan Technological University, USA (Prof. Ravi Pandey).
Grateful to distinguished Prof. Puru Jena, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA and my postdoc mentor, Prof. Rajeev Ahuja (Director, IIT-Ropar & Professor, Uppsala University, Sweden), for their valuable time and mesmerizing lectures.
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India acknowledged our works where induction of superhigh out-of-plane piezoelectricity via stacking one monolayer over the other in the 2D nanostructure has been demonstrated.
Our article titled 'Superhigh out-of-plane piezoelectricity, low thermal conductivity and photocatalytic abilities in ultrathin 2D van der Waals heterostructures of boron monophosphide and gallium nitride' published in Nanoscale 11 (2019) 21880-21890 has been specially selected to feature in an Editor’s Choice web collection focussing on computational nanomaterials research under the theme Computational studies of nanomaterials for energy, catalysis and electronics.
It is the first report on out-of-plane piezoelectricity (d33) in 2D van der Waals heterostructures.The experimental verification of this theoretical prediction, followed subsequently and was duly acknowledged to be pioneering in Chem. Soc. Rev., 2022,51, 650-671, is truly rewarding!
Current Group Members
Email: diksha.ph24216@inst.ac.in
Reg. No.: PH24216
Email: mohd.ph23237@inst.ac.in
Reg. No.: PH23237
Email: shivam.ph22204@inst.ac.in
Reg. No.: PH22204
Email: arneet.ph21210@inst.ac.in
Reg. No.: PH21210
Email: fathima.ph20246@inst.ac.in
Reg. No.: PH20246
Email: harshita.ph20247@inst.ac.in
Reg. No.: PH20247
Email: nilakantha.ph20248@inst.ac.in
Reg. No.: PH20248
Reg. No.: PH16239 (Postdoc at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)
Designation: PhD Scholar
Jan 2017 - May 2022
Reg. No.: PH19236
Designation: PhD Scholar
Jan 2020 - Nov 2024
Reg. No.: PH19228
Designation: PhD Scholar
Jan 2020 - Jan 2025
Reg. No.: PH18203 Postdoctoral Fellow, IIT Kanpur, India
Designation: PhD Scholar
Aug 2018 - Mar 2023
Reg. No.: PH19226
Designation: PhD Scholar
Aug 2019 - Nov 2024
Reg. No.: PH16203, Awarded PhD on 24th July, 2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, Michigan Technological University, USA
Designation: PhD Scholar
Aug 2016 - Aug 2021
Reg. No.: Postdoc at Linkoping University, Sweden
Designation: PhD Scholar
Jan 2015 - Jul 2020
Reg. No.: PH14209; CNRS Postdoctoral Fellow, Nancy, France
Designation: PhD Scholar
Aug 2014 - Nov 2019
Reg. No.: Assistant Professor at Chandigarh University, Punjab
Designation: Post Docs/RA
Aug 2015 - Apr 2019
Physical origin and control of exciton spatial localization in high-κ MOene monolayers under external perturbations , Amal Kishore, Harshita Seksaria and Abir De Sarkar* , J. Phys.: Condens. Matter , 2025 , 37 , 115703 , 10.1088/1361-648X/ada65f -
Spatial Control of Interlayer Excitons in 2D Metal Tellurohalides for Efficient Excitonic Solar Cells: Probing Excited States Under External Perturbations , Amal Kishore, Harshita Seksaria, and Abir De Sarkar* , Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2025 , 10.1021/1361-648X/ada65f -
Substrate-Induced Modulation of Transient Optical Response of Large-Area Monolayer MoS2 , Ashish Soni, Nagendra S. Kamath, Yun-Yang Shen, Harshita Seksaria, Abir De Sarkar, Wen-Hao Chang, and Suman Kalyan Pal* , Scientific Reports , 2025 , accepted -
Ligand-to-Metal Charge Transfer Controls the Photophysical Properties and HER Activity of Ag13 NCs Depends on the Hydrogen Adsorption Energy , Aarti Devi, Harshita Seksaria, Rashi, Abir De Sarkar*, and Amitava Patra* , Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 2025 , accepted -
Harnessing orbital and valley thermal transport in 2D materials: The significance of inversion symmetry , Shivam Sharma and Abir De Sarkar* , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 2024 , 37 , 095301 , 10.1088/1361-648X/ad9f0a -
Strain-engineered bright excitons and nearly flat band in SnNBr monolayer for high-speed LED applications , Harshita Seksaria, Pradip Nandi, and Abir De Sarkar* , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , 2024 , 10.1039/D4CP03829K -
Mapping Rashba-Spin-Valley Coalescence in Two-Dimensional Monolayers via High-Throughput First-Principles Calculations , Anu Arora, Shivam Sharma, and Abir De Sarkar* , Journal of Applied Physics , 2024 , 136 , 124301 , 10.1063/5.0222745 -
Ferroelectricity-controlled magnetic ordering and spin photocurrent in NiCl2/GeS Multiferroic Heterostructures , Anu Arora, Pradip Nandi, and Abir De Sarkar* , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 2024 , 36 , 445301 , 10.1088/1361-648X/ad69f3 -
Conflux of spin Nernst and spin Hall effect in ZnCu2SnSe4 Topological Insulator , Shivam Sharma and Abir De Sarkar* , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 2024 , 36 , 445501 , 10.1088/1361-648X/ad68b5 -
Probing 2D Exciton Dynamics of Non-Hydrogenic Anisotropic Rydberg Spectra in Anomalous Screening Regime , Harshita Seksaria, Amal Kishore, Abir De Sarkar* , Journal of Physical Chemistry C , (2024) , 128 (15) , 6487–6495 , 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c01023 -
Advancing intrinsic carrier mobility estimation in transition metal trichalcogenide monolayers using DFT-BTE , Anu Arora, Abir De Sarkar* , Applied Physics Letters , (2024) , 124 , 082101 , https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0182633 -
Insights into the origin of multiferroicity and large in-plane piezoelectricity in AlXY (X=S, Se; Y=Cl, Br, I) monolayers , Nilakantha Tripathy, Abir De Sarkar* , Physical Review B , (2024) , 109 , 125414 , https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.125414 -
Facet Engineering by Sculpting Artificial Edges on 2D Black Phosphorus for Localized and Selective Piezoelectric Response , Manpreet Kaur, Pradip Nandi, Mamta Raturi, Himanshu Tyagi, Jyoti Saini, Tapaswini Dash, Akash Maharana, Km Neeshu, Anirban Kundu*, Abir De Sarkar*, Kiran Shankar Hazra* , ACS Applied Nano Materials , (2024) , 7 (6) , 6159–6168 , https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsanm.3c06095 -
Dielectric Screening and Magnetic Force Modulated Spontaneous Exciton Dissociation for Enhanced Photocatalytic Water Splitting: Insights into Exciton Excited State , Amal Kishore, Harshita Seksaria, and Abir De Sarkar , J. Phys. Chem. C , (2024) , 128, 24 , 10225–10234 , 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c02483 -
Intrinsic spin Hall and Rashba Effect in metal nitride bromide monolayer for spin-orbitronics , Pradip Nandi, Shivam and Abir De Sarkar , J. Appl. Phys. , (2024) , 135 , 234302 , 10.1063/5.0211502 -
Temperature-Driven Journey of Dark Excitons to Efficient Photocatalytic Water Splitting in β-AsP , Harshita Seksaria, Amal Kishore, Abir De Sarkar* , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , (2024) , 26 , 22882-22893 , 10.1039/D4CP01937G -
Anisotropy in colossal piezoelectricity, giant Rashba effect and ultrahigh carrier mobility in Janus structures of quintuple Bi2X3 (X = S, Se) monolayers , Nilakantha Tripathy, Abir De Sarkar* , (2023) , 35: 335301 , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , doi:10.1088/1361-648X/acd49f -
DFT Insights into Layer-Dependent Superhigh Piezoelectricity and Carrier Mobility in 2D Hexagonal SnNBr , Pradip Nandi and Abir De Sarkar , J. Phys. Chem. C , (2023) , 127, 49 , 23551–23565 , 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c04912 -
Origin of strain tunability in flat valence band and ultrahigh shear piezoelectricity in superflexible non–van der Waals graphitic Sc X monolayers ( X = P , As, Sb) , Harshita Seksaria, Arneet Kaur, and Abir De Sarkar , Phys. Rev. B , (2023) , 108 , 075426 , 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.075426 -
Correlation between strain tunable piezoelectricity and Rashba effect in flexible Janus Ga2Ge2XY (X, Y = S, Se, and Te) monolayers with high carrier mobility , Arneet Kaur, Shivam Sharma, Pradip Nandi and Abir De Sarkar* , (2023) , 154: 15791 , Physica-E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures , 10.1016/j.physe.2023.115791 -
Regulating Excitonic Effects in Non-Oxide Based XPSe3 (X=Cd, Zn) Monolayers towards Enhanced Photocatalysis for Overall Water Splitting , Amal Kishore, Harshita Seksaria, Anu Arora and Abir De Sarkar* , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , (2023) , 25: 20337-20349 , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , 10.1039/D3CP02196C -
Insights into selected 2D piezo Rashba semiconductors for self-powered flexible piezo spintronics: material to contact properties , Fathima IS, Manish Kumar Mohanta, Abir De Sarkar* , (2023) , 35: 253001 , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (invited topical review) , 10.1088/1361-648X/acc70f -
Engineering catalytically active sites by sculpting artificial edges on MoS2 basal plane for dinitrogen reduction at a low overpotential , Renu Rani, Ashmita Biswas, Raihan Ahammed, Taniya Purkait, Anirban Kundu, Subhajit Sarkar, Mamta Raturi, Abir De Sarkar*, Ramendra Sundar Dey*, Kiran Shankar Hazra* , (2023) , 2206357 , Small , 10.1002/smll.202206357 -
Hexagonal and tetragonal ScX (X=P, As, Sb) nanosheets for optoelectronics and straintronics: , Harshita Seksaria, Arneet Kaur, Khushwant Singh, Abir De Sarkar , (2023) , 615: 156306 , Applied Surface Science , 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.156306 -
Compressive Strain-Induced Enhancement in Valley Polarization in β-Phosphorene like SnS Monolayers: , Fathima I S, R. Ahammed, P. Nandi, A. Rawat, and A. De Sarkar , (2023) , 611: 155675 , Applied Surface Science , 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155675 -
Valley Hall effect in graphene-like Sn X ( X = Si, Ge) buckled monolayers with high charge carrier mobility and low lattice thermal conductivity: , Manish Kumar Mohanta, Fathima IS, and Abir De Sarkar , (2023) , 107: 035429 , Physical Review B , 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.035429 -
Negative piezoelectricity and enhanced electrical conductivity at the interfaces of two-dimensional dialkali oxide and chalcogenide monolayers: , Anu Arora, Ashima Rawat, and Abir De Sarkar , (2023) , 107: 085402 , Phys. Rev. B , 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.085402 -
Unconventional Anisotropy in Excitonic Properties and Carrier Mobility in Iodine-Based XTeI (X = Ga, In) Monolayers for Visible-Light Photocatalytic Water Splitting: , Amal Kishore, Nilakantha Tripathy, Abir De Sarkar , (2023) , 127: 1992-2002 , J. Phys. Chem. C , 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c07367 -
Experimental and computational insights into luminescence in atomically precise bimetallic Au6-nCun(MPA)5 (n=0-2) clusters , Aarti Devi, Harshita Seksaria, Dipankar Bain, Sarita Kolay, Rashi, Abir De Sarkar* and Amitava Patra* , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , (2023 ) , 25 , 9513-9521 , 10.1039/D2CP05120F -
Nanoscale probing of surface potential landscape at MoS2/BP van der Waals p–n heterojunction: , Mamta Raturi, Arneet Kaur, Himanshu Tyagi, Monika Bhakar, Jyoti Saini, Manpreet Kaur, Abir De Sarkar and Kiran S Hazra , (2022) , 34: 095702 , Nanotechnology , 10.1088/1361-6528/aca61a -
Nanocatalytic interface to decode the phytovolatile language for latent crop diagnosis in future farms: , Chandel M., Kumar P., Arora A., Kataria S., Dubey S.C., Djanaguiraman M., Kaur K., Sahu B.K., Abir De Sarkar, Vijayakumar S.* , (2022) , 94: 11081-11088. , Analytical Chemistry , 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02244 -
Insights into CrS2 monolayer and -CrS2/-HfN2 interface for low-power digital and analog nanoelectronics: , Manish Kumar Mohanta,Harshita Seksaria,Abir De Sarkar* , (2022) , 579: 152211 , Applied Surface Science , 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.152211 -
Valley spin polarization in two-dimensional h - M N ( M = Nb, Ta) monolayers: Merger of valleytronics with spintronics: , Raihan Ahammed ,Abir De Sarkar , (2022) , 105: 045426 , Phys. Rev. B , 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045426 -
Interfacing 2D M2X (M = Na, K, Cs; X= O, S, Se, Te) monolayers for 2D excitonic and tandem solar cells: , Ashima Rawat,Anu Arora,Abir De Sarkar* , (2021) , 563: 150304 , Applied Surface Science , 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150304 -
Effective modulation of ohmic contact and carrier concentration in a graphene-Mg X ( X = S, Se) van der Waals heterojunction with tunable band-gap opening via strain and electric field: , Manish Kumar Mohanta,Anu Arora,Abir De Sarkar , (2021) , 104: 165421 , Phys. Rev. B , Phys. Rev. B 104, 165421 -
Atomistic manipulation of interfacial properties in HfN2/MoTe2 van der Waals heterostructure via strain and electric field for next generation multifunctional nanodevice and energy conversion: , Manish Kumar Mohanta,Ashima Rawat,Abir De Sarkar* , (2021) , Applied Surface Science , 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150928 -
Spin-current modulation in hexagonal buckled ZnTe and CdTe monolayers for self-powered flexible-piezo-spintronic devices: , Manish Kumar Mohanta,Fathima IS,Amal Kishore,Abir De Sarkar* , (2021) , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 10.1021/acsami.1c09267 -
Concurrence of negative in-plane piezoelectricity and photocatalytic properties in 2D ScAgP2S6 monolayers: , Ashima Rawat,Dimple,Raihan Ahammed,Abir De Sarkar , (2021) , 33: 375301 , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 10.1088/1361-648X/ac0e6c -
Conflux of tunable Rashba effect and piezoelectricity in flexible magnesium monochalogenide monolayers for next-generation spintronic devices: , Manish Kumar Mohanta,Anu Arora,Abir De Sarkar , (2021) , 13: 8210-8223 , Nanoscale , 10.1039/D1NR00149C -
Hot Hole Cooling and Transfer Dynamics from Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals Using Porphyrin Molecules: , Goutham Ghosh,Kritiman Marjit,Srijon Ghosh, Arnab Ghosh,Raihan Ahammed,Abir De Sarkar*,Amitava Patra* , (2021) , 5859–5869 , J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 10 , 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c11289
Theoretical Studies on Formation, Property Tuning and Adsorption of Graphene Segments, Physics and Applications of Graphene - Theory,Sergey Mikhailov (Ed.) , R.Q. Zhang, A. De Sarkar , 2011 , ISBN: 978-953-307-152-7 , Chapter 1 , Available at http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/theoretical-studies-on-formation-property-tuning-and-adsorption-of-graphene-segments -
Modeling Silicon Nanostructure Surface Functionalization for Biological Detections: , R.-Q. Zhang, Abir De Sarkar , (2012) (Chapter 3) , Print ISBN 978-94-007-4947-4, Online ISBN 978-94-007-4948-1, 33-51 , (http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-4948-1_3)
Prof. CNR Rao Award for Excellence in Nanoresearch for the year 2018
Recipient of the President of India, medal for the year 2000 for having topped all the postgraduate disciplines in the Calcutta University.
Top 3% highly cited authors 2019-2020 by the American Chemical Society (ACS)
Top cited paper award 2023 by IOP Publishing, UK
Recognized as an outstanding reviewer for Nanoscale (RSC, UK) and the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (IOP, UK)
Accorded "Trusted Reviewer" status by IOP Publishing, UK in 2023
Awarded Max-Planck (postdoctoral) Fellowship at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society), Berlin-Dahlem, Germany from 2004 to 2005
Awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna/Foundation, Sweden
Awarded Junior Research Fellowship between August, 1999 and August, 2001; Awarded Senior Research Fellowship between September, 2001 and April, 2004 by the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, India
Awarded National Scholarship based on performance in B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics, i.e., (10+2+3) examination, held in 1997
(Studied at St. Xavier's College, Kolkata)
Awarded National Scholarship based on performance in the Higher Secondary, i.e., (10+2) examination, held in 1994
Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) in 2000, a national level competitive examination, conducted by the Council of Scientific-and-Industrial Research (CSIR), India; Awarded Joint CSIR-Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Eligibility for Lecturership in Physical Sciences under the CSIR-scheme.
Obtained 97.84 percentile in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, 2000 (GATE-2000), a national level competitive examination, conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). All India Rank - 34
Professor (Scientist-G): Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Knowledge City, Sector 81, Manauli, Mohali, Punjab - 140306 (January 2024 till date)
Professor (Scientist-F): Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Knowledge City, Sector 81, Manauli, Mohali, Punjab - 140306 (January 2020 December 2023)
Associate Professor (Scientist E): Institute of Nanoscience and Technology (INST), Habitat Centre, Phase-X, Sector-64, Mohali-160 062, Punjab, India (March 2014 to December 2019 )
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics: Central University of Rajasthan, Tehsil: Kishangarh, Dist. Ajmer, India (April 2013 to March 2014 )
Wenner-Gren Researcher/Forskare at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden & Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (August 2011 to April 2013 )
Senior Research Associate at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering: City University of Hong Kong (June 2010 to June 2011 )
Research Scientist & Engineer on a A*STAR Visiting Investigator Program (VIP) between CEMES-CNRS, Toulouse, France and A*STAR,Singapore at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE-A*STAR), Singapore (May 2005 to May 2010 )
Max Planck Postdoctoral Fellow: Fritz Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society, Berlin, Germany (May 2004 to April 2005 )
Completed Ph.D. in Physics (from September, 2000 - April, 2004) from the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics: DAE Institute, Kolkata (February 2000 to May 2004)
Completed Post M.Sc. (course work before PhD) from the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata in 1999-2000
Completed M.Sc. (Physics) in 1997-1999 from Calcutta University as Topper (First Class First)
Studied B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics from St. Xavier's College, Kolkata in 1994-1997
Title: Atomic-scale investigation of the nanopiezotronic properties in semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers via first-principles electronic structure methods
PI: Prof. Abir De Sarkar
Funding Amount: Rs. 56,29,600
Tenure: 3 years
Funding Agency: DST (Nanomission), GoI
Title: CO2 and hydrocarbon conversion on Mo-based nanocatalysts
PI: Prof. Abir De Sarkar
Funding Amount: 2 lacs research grant per year + NPDF Fellowship
Tenure: 2 years
Funding Agency: DST-SERB (NPDF)
Title: Computational design of 2D materials and their interfaces for a high out-of-plane piezoelectricity
PI: Prof. Abir De Sarkar
Funding Amount: ~ 37 lacs
Tenure: March, 2024
End Date: 31-Mar-2027
Funding Agency: Core Research Grant (CRG) - SCIENCE & ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD (SERB)